***Update at the bottom ***
Let me start this post by stating that I am not here to make anyone feel bad for vaccinating or not, nor am I wanting to have a heated argument about this matter. I am simply stating my thoughts, feelings, and concerns. I know this is a controversial subject so please keep an open mind while reading this.
With my first two boys, I chose to split up and spread out their vaccinations. This was not a hard decision for me because I had already done a ton of research beforehand ... I read books and articles and came up with my own game plan. I took what other people said into consideration, but in the end it was my decision. This time around I am having a hard time.
I do not consider myself a "crunchy" mom, but I am definitely not a "creamy" mama either. Since I do share characteristics from both sides, I would say I am somewhere in the middle. I will chose a natural remedy(that actually works) over an RX any day, but sometimes it is necessary to take a prescription. I think we eat pretty healthy, and I chose to eat organic over non as well. I like to use natural ingredients as much as possible, but I love my sweets. So yes, when it comes to vaccinations I am also somewhere in the middle. I respect both sides, and I understand both sides. Do I want my child to die from a horrible disease that may have been easy to prevent? NO of course not! but do I want my child to die from a side effect of a vaccine? No way! So what is a parent supposed to do? The reason this decision is so much harder for me this time around is because our pediatrician suggests (as most do) to get all vaccinations when they tell me to...especially Gavin since with Ds he told me that his white blood cell count is lower and that he will have a lower chance of fighting off an infection or disease. This seems like a no brainer, however... because he will have a hard time fighting off certain things, he will also have a hard time fighting the foreign substances being injecting into his body. (which at his 2 month appointment, the other day, would have been 8 vaccines) It's like chemical overload for his little baby body. Also, vaccinations lower your immune system temporarily, which is why you are more susceptible to getting sick. This is also something I worry about for Gavin. It's a catch 22! I have asked a few people and they tell me to ask my pediatrician on their opinion. But in this case...that's not such good idea since they are EXTREMELY PRO-vaccinations, I will only get a one sided opinion.
Like I said above, I am not anti-vaccinations...although there are a few that I WILL NOT get, (if you want to know which ones and my reasons, you can email me). Zachary is 4 years old and he is up to date on his shots, and I split them up as much as I possibly could. Yes, this means it's more inconvenient for me as I have to take him a few more times to the doctor but it is definitely worth it to me. But once again, this is my decision and as a parent its your decision as well. I am not here to tell you what you should or shouldn't do. All I ask is that you educate yourself on both sides and make a decision that's best for you and your family. I love Dr. Sears, and I love his book,
The Vaccine Book. He has an alternative schedule in his book, but he does not push either way, he just informs you on each vaccine, including the ingredients and any side effects. This way you know what you are putting in your child's body instead of just following along with everyone else.
So with all that being said, I for once don't have an answer for this. I am pretty sure I going to proceed the same way I did with my other
two. I need to do some more research and I would also love to hear from any other moms or dads who have a child
with Ds and what they chose to do. I am honestly torn....
On a positive note... Gavin weighed in at a whopping 12lbs 4 oz! He has gained 4 lbs in a month, and yes, he is still a breastfed baby. He is so much more alert now. He is attentive and loves to look at the world around him. He is now smiling, laughing and cooing, which just melts my heart.
****Update on Audiologist/ENT Appointment****
Last week Gavin had an appointment for an ABR, (Auditory Brainstem Response). Basically from what I gathered, this is a test to see if there is any electrical activity in the brain through the use of electrodes on the scalp, after hearing different sounds. So in laments terms, they are trying to bypass the fluid in his ears to see if he has hearing loss, and to what degree. The outcome? I have no idea! To be honest, I was not extremely happy with that ENT practice. I felt like I never got a good answer. I was there for 5 hours and I felt like I kept getting pushed off on someone else. The only answer I got was that he is NOT deaf. Which I already knew because he startles with loud noises. They said they would have to write up a report but they could not get accurate readings on all the tests that they performed. A doctor was supposed to go over the report but because it took so long, that specific doctor had already left so we saw a PA instead. She had no idea what was going on and even stated that the next step would be an ABR....HELLO??!!!! Is that not what we were just doing for the past 5 hours??? Then she writes me a script for an antibiotic to (and in her words) "try and dry the fluid up". I am no rocket scientist, but if there is no infection, how is an antibiotic going to dry up amniotic fluid? I double checked with my pediatrician and he didn't think that was a good idea, and if anything we should try a decongestant. We do not know anything else at this time, and we may never know, until the fluid drains or he has tubes put in. From there we will be able to see if he has any degree of hearing loss or not. Until then we will just have to turn the music a little louder during our family dance parties so he can enjoy it too.
My poor little baby boy did so well! |